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New Tertiary Recovery Technology in U.S. Shale Oil

Start Energy LLC provides cutting-edge enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology and services to the upstream oil and gas market.

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) for U.S. Shale Plays

Start Energy LLC is commercializing a new Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology system, based on established oilfield principles, to deliver the first efficient and actionable shale tertiary recovery mechanism to realize tens of billions of dollars in abandoned oil.

U.S. shale production accounts for around 9 MMBO/d. Primary and secondary production, combined, produces 6-10% recovery of original oil in place (OOIP). Start Energy’s technology suite will expand recovery to 20-25%, more than doubling each well’s total production.

Start Energy’s team has earned a proven track record of delivering expected material returns for investors.

Start Energy has assembled a battle tested executive management team, that includes globally recognized, leaders in oil & gas evaluation and extraction. Start Energy’s EOR technology system requires a turnkey deployment approach for performance and IP control, so thought leadership in the creation and deployment of advanced deep tech, AI, ML and IoT systems is provided by the founders. This rounds out the go-to-market plan on a highly scalable foundation. All founders have extensive experience as entrepreneurial senior executives with proven performance records.

Allen Howard
Executive Chairman

Allen is a known thought leader in shale EOR, magnetic resonance(MRI) and a serial success as an entrepreneur.

  • Over 40 years of energy experience including senior positions with Schlumberger and Numar
  • Acknowledged by Oil & Gas Financial Journal as “one of the world’s foremost authorities on oil & gas reservoirs”
  • CEO and founder of NuTech Energy – a recognized industry leader in unconventional reservoir intelligence
  • CEO and founder of Throne Petroleum

BS – Texas Tech University

Contact Start Energy LLC

Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.